Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I see the dentist regularly?

Many people do not see a dentist on a regular basis. They only go when they have a problem. This is known as "crisis treatment" versus "preventive treatment." While these patients may feel they are saving money, it often ends up costing much more in dollars and time. This is because many dental problems do not have symptoms until they reach the advanced stages of the disease process. An example is tooth decay. It is typical to hear, "Nothing hurts... I don't have any problems."
Tooth decay often does not hurt until it gets close to the nerve of the tooth. It is not uncommon to see a patient with a huge cavity who has never felt a thing. The dentist can usually detect a cavity 3-4 years before it develops any symptoms. This early detection can help you prevent root canal treatment.

If you decide to undergo a root canal, the first step in your procedure will involve a local anesthetic. Once your tooth root is numb, the diseased portion of your tooth pulp will be removed and potentially treated for bacterial infection. The tooth will then be sealed and filled before being restored with a crown.


When should My kids see a Dentist?

We recommend a child's first visit be scheduled as early as when their first tooth has been in for six months or when they are one year old. If there are concerns before they reach this age, we will gladly schedule.


What if I don't have insurance?

We welcome all patients and understand not everyone has dental insurance. For these patients, Summit Family Dental is proud to offer the Summit Savings Plan! With our Summit Savings Plan, you make low monthly payments for your preventative care as well as receive discounts off other treatments. Learn More


What Insurance do you accept?

It is the patient’s responsibility to know their insurance coverage and be able to present the insurance card or information.  Brittany will gladly submit any insurance you choose to participate with, so you can avoid the paperwork.
Dr. Millard and Dr. Leinen are currently providers for:

  • Delta Dental
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • United Concordia (including Tricare)
  • United Heathcare
  • Wellmark BCBS/Blue Dental


Why should I floss?

Flossing reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth. There are millions of these microscopic creatures feeding on food particles left on your teeth. These bacteria live in plaque which can be removed by flossing. Brushing your teeth gets rid of some of the bacteria in your mouth. Flossing gets rid of the bacteria the toothbrush can't get to. That's the bacteria hiding in the tiny spaces between your teeth. If you do not floss, you allow plaque to remain between your teeth. Eventually it hardens into tartar. Plaque can be removed by brushing. Only the dentist can remove tartar.

Ask your hygienist to show you the proper way to floss. You will both notice the difference at the next cleaning appointment.